Terms & Conditions
1. Statement.
The Military Coworking Network, including the Military Coworking Network Website and Military Coworking Network Hubs, is an initiative under the legal and administrative guardianship of the Royal Air Forces Association. This Agreement is a legal document which sets out your rights and obligations and also those of the Royal Air Forces Association (RAF Association or RAFA), Membership organisation and Registered Charity 226686 (England & Wales) – SC037673 (Scotland).
By accessing the Military Coworking Network website, registering as a MCN Online Member or MCN Hub Member and making use of Military Coworking Network Hubs you agree to the terms of this Agreement, and you re-affirm the agreement every time you use them. Visitors to the Military Coworking Network Website who do not register, similarly agree that they are bound by this Agreement each time they access the Military Coworking Network Website, as do guests of MCN Hub Members that make use of Military Coworking Network Hubs. You should be aware that this Agreement may change from time to time.
Use of the Military Coworking Network Website
2 Becoming an MCN Online Member
People who register for the Military Coworking Network Website become ‘MCN Online Members’. Once you are logged in, you are referred to as a MCN Online Member.
Individuals wishing to become MCN Online Members must register with the website. Non-MCN Online Members are able to access the site excluding the MCN Online Members section and pages restricted to MCN Online Members. You can join the Military Coworking Network online here.
To become a MCN Online Member you must be:
Aged 18 or older;
A partner of a serving member of the UK Armed Forces,
A child aged 18 or older of serving member of the UK Armed Forces that lives in SFA or SSFA;
A serving member of the UK Armed Forces in possession of an MoD 90 pass.
3 Fees
There are no membership fees relevant to becoming a MCN Online Member. Fees do apply to become a MCN Hub Member – see the below section Use of Military Coworking Network Hubs for more information.
4 Registration
You undertake to register to become a MCN Online Member for the Military Coworking Network Website using accurate and current information about yourself – including your correct name, email address and any other requested details.
You also undertake to keep your email address and other details on the site updated to the correct information should any of your information change at any time. You can do this by editing your information in the ‘My Account’ pages of the login area of the Military Coworking Network Website.
5 Privacy Policy
The Military Coworking Network Privacy Policy forms part of this Agreement, and by agreeing to this Agreement, you also give your consent to the way we may handle your personal data in that policy. Given the global nature of the World Wide Web, any posting on the Military Coworking Network Website (including any which contain personal information) is, of course, accessible to internet users around the world.
6 Military Coworking Network Website login area
You, as an unregistered user and as a MCN Online Member who visits the Military Coworking Network Website, acknowledge that we are not and cannot be responsible for the behaviour of any unregistered user or MCN Online Member – whether on the Military Coworking Network Website or outside of it. We only provide a venue where the Military Coworking Network Website may be accessed. In particular, you should be aware that the Military Coworking Network does not monitor the material contributed by MCN Online Members, however we do moderate material and will delete material that is in breach of the Terms and Conditions of use.
7 Operation of the Military Coworking Network Website
The RAF Association reserves the right to withdraw or modify one or more aspects of the Military Coworking Network Website where we have legal or technical reasons to do so (including technical difficulties experienced by the RAF Association or on the Internet) or for any other reason. This includes the Business Directory where we may modify or remove listings made where we have a legal, technical or moral reason to do so or for any other reason as we see fit.
There may also be times when the Military Coworking Network Website becomes unavailable, whether on a scheduled or unscheduled basis. For security or other reasons, we may require you to change your password or other information which facilitates access to the Military Coworking Network Website.
8 Misuse of the Military Coworking Network Website
RAF Association misuse policy forms part of this agreement. We reserve the right (a) to suspend or terminate any MCN Online Member’s access to the Military Coworking Network Website, or parts of it, and/or (b) to edit, or require the MCN Online Member to edit material posted on the Military Coworking Network Website, if the relevant MCN Online Member or material appears to us to be in breach of any provision of this Agreement. Any person whose access has been suspended or terminated must not re-register for or re-access the Military Coworking Network Website without our prior consent.
You are responsible for everything which is done on or through the Military Coworking Network Website while your account is logged on to the Military Coworking Network Website, or through your email address(es).
9 Relevance
All users of the Military Coworking Network must not use access to the Military Coworking Network Website, or information gathered from it, for the sending of unsolicited bulk email (sometimes known as spam).
10 Prohibitions
You are responsible for ensuring that no material you post, or which is posted through a machine on which you access the Military Coworking Network Website, nor any activity or communication you make in connection with any Military Coworking Network Website, will be capable of (a) infringing the intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity, (b) breaching any applicable law, whether criminal, tortious or otherwise, or (c) appearing to be offensive, defamatory, libellous, threatening, obscene, racist, pornographic, false, unreliable or misleading.
11 Alerting Us
If you see anything on the Military Coworking Network Website which appears to infringe this Agreement, then please contact us to inform us of it. We do not generally monitor material contributed by MCN Online Members before it is placed on the Military Coworking Network Website and so we are reliant upon users to point out any which infringes this Agreement.
In addition, if you see anything on the Military Coworking Network website or any associated sites that you believe to be incorrect either posted by an MCN Online Member or written by us, we will endeavour to correct once we are informed of its presence.
12 Withdrawal of Material and Termination of Membership
Each MCN Online Member acknowledges that we are entitled to withdraw any material on the Military Coworking Network Website which appears whether based on information received from MCN Online Members or others, or our own determination to be capable of breaching any part of this Agreement, or to bring the Military Coworking Network Website into disrepute.
However, each user acknowledges that as we do not monitor material which appears on the Military Coworking Network Website, we are also reliant upon you and all users to notify us of anything you see on the site which may breach this Agreement, using the notification techniques which are made available on the Military Coworking Network Website.
13 Disclaimer and Release
The RAF Association has no control over or responsibility for the truth or accuracy of any material available on the Military Coworking Network Website, whether provided by MCN Online Members or others.
If any third-party sites are linked to/from the Military Coworking Network Website, this does not mean that we endorse or have any responsibility for the site in question or anything which appears on it.
• You should exercise no lesser degree of caution in appraising what you see on the Military Coworking Network Website than you do offline.
• Even though MCN Online Members are prohibited from doing so, people may provide information, or otherwise behave, in a way that is unreliable, misleading or even illegal. Further, you should note that people may not necessarily be who they say they are.
• Your use of the Military Coworking Network Website is entirely at your own risk. Accordingly, to the extent that the law permits, you release RAF Association from all liability arising out of or in connection with the Military Coworking Network Website and the material included here by MCN Online Members and other third parties.
14 Intellectual Property
You acknowledge that all copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights in and relating to the Military Coworking Network Website (including the material which is contributed by MCN Online Members) are owned by the RAF Association. It is easy to copy material which appears on websites, but this does not mean it is legal.
Therefore, no-one may copy, distribute, show in public or create any derivative work from the Military Coworking Network Website, or any of the material which is found on the Military Coworking Network Website unless properly licensed to do so by us.
By submitting any material to the content to the Military Coworking Network Website, you:
• are representing that you are fully entitled to do so;
• grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-terminable licence right to copy, modify, distribute, show in public and create derivative works from that material in any form, anywhere; and
• authorise us to adapt the relevant material in the course of doing so, and so waive your moral rights to object to any derogatory treatment, or to be identified as the author, of the material in question.
Use of Military Coworking Network Hubs
15 Becoming an MCN Hub Member
People who register for using the Military Coworking Network Hubs become ‘MCN Hub Members’. MCN Hub Members are also MCN Online Members and are subject to the Use of the Military Coworking Network Website terms and conditions.
Individuals wishing to become MCN Hub Members do so on the Military Coworking Network Website, having first become MCN Online Members. You can join the Military Coworking Network online here.
Applications to become an MCN Hub Member are subjected to the successful completion of relevant ID and security checks, for which two forms of identification are required; a valid HM Armed Forces Dependents Pass and one form of Proof of Address, such as a bank statement or utility bill.
To become a MCN Hub Member you must be:
Aged 18 or older,
A partner of a serving member of the UK Armed Forces in possession of a Dependent’s pass,
A child aged 18 or older of a serving member of the UK Armed Forces that lives in SFA or SSFA,
A serving member of the UK Armed Forces in possession of an MoD 90 pass,
A UK Based Citizen living in Cyprus,
A partner of a UK Based Citizen living in Cyprus,
A child aged 18 or older of UK Based Citizens living in Cyprus.
16 Fees
Annual MCN Hub membership includes;
12 month duration from the date of purchase.
Part-time use of a desk in a MCN coworking hub for up to 75 hours per month, which is allocated as 300 x three hour slots over the course of the 12 month period,
Early booking access to exclusive MCN events,
Secure Wi-Fi,
Access to a printer,
Refreshments included,
Access to all MCN coworking hubs.
Membership fees are due annually in advance and payable via the Military Coworking Website or another payment method offered from time to time by RAFA. Current membership fees are listed on the Military Coworking Network website www.militarycoworking.uk
You may cancel your membership at any time up to the due date of the next payment. Membership of the Military Coworking Network ceases contemporaneously with an annual payment not being made.
17 Direct Debit Guarantee
The Direct Debit Guarantee applies to all Direct Debits. It protects you in the rare event that there is an error in the payment of your Direct Debit. Here is the Direct Debit Guarantee in full.
18 Registration
You undertake to register to become a MCN Hub Member for the use of Military Coworking Network Hubs using accurate and current information about yourself – including your correct name, address, telephone number, email address and any other requested details.
You also undertake to keep your email address and other details on your membership account updated to the correct information should any of your information change at any time. You can do this by editing your information in the ‘My Account’ pages of the login area of the Military Coworking Network Website.
19 Privacy Policy
The Military Coworking Network Privacy Policy forms part of this Agreement, and by agreeing to this Agreement, you also give your consent to the way we may handle your personal data in that policy.
20 Operation of Military Coworking Network Hubs
The Military Coworking Network Hubs are operated by the RAF Association in conjunction with all three of the UK Armed Forces, Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force.
No relationship of landlord and tenant exists between the RAF Association and you. The RAF Association is not the owner of the premises that are made available for your use and you should follow any directions or instructions provided to you by the owner.
The RAF Association accepts no responsibility or liability for loss or damage to property brought into Military Coworking Network Hubs, except where the RAF Association responsibility or liability is determined by English law. The RAF Association’s insurance policy does not cover or include loss, damage or theft of your personal items.
The RAF Association accepts no responsibility or liability for injury or death of members or their guests, except where The RAF Association’s responsibility or liability is determined by English law.
Access to computer networks and the public internet is provided for the lawful use of MCN Hub Members The RAF Association or the owner of the building’s opinion, is illegal, immoral, indecent or detrimental to the enjoyment of other members and/or guests.
21 Using Military Coworking Network Hubs
Access to Military Coworking Network coworking spaces and the facilities within it is provided on a reasonable endeavours basis. Should access or any facilities be unavailable The RAF Association shall endeavour to provide reasonable notice, but this may not always be possible. Where feasible, and at The RAF Association’s sole discretion, The RAF Association shall make alternative arrangements.
To use a Military Coworking Network Hub you must book your desk ahead of time using the relevant desk booking procedure available.
Keys and any other access devices or access codes provided to you may not be shared or given to others, may not be copied or adapted and must be returned at the end of your booking.
When using a Military Coworking Network Hub, you must abide by the Health & Safety Requirements in place, including the Military Coworking Network Hubs COVID-19 Protocols.
You are responsible for securing your own computer data and protecting yourself from the impact of computer viruses, malware and malicious software. You must also take reasonable steps to protect The RAF Association, other Military Coworking Network members and/or guests from the impact of computer viruses, malware and malicious software.
You may invite and host guests within Military Coworking Network coworking spaces provided that you accompany them at all times and that they have been satisfied all and any necessary security procedures operated by the owner of the building. You are responsible for the conduct and behaviour of any guests, in line with the terms and conditions detailed here.
As a Military Coworking Network Hub Member, we may send you email correspondence regarding your membership, facilities at Military Coworking Network Hubs and other announcements regarding Military Coworking Network events.
Facilities and equipment provided within Military Coworking Network Hubs are intended for use by members and/or guests whilst in Military Coworking Network Hubs and may not be removed for use outside of Military Coworking Network Hubs.
Printers, photocopiers, fax machines and telephones may be provided to members and guests for incidental use. The printing or faxing of large documents or the making of long or expensive telephone calls may be subject to additional charges.
We reserve the right to monitor your usage of Military Coworking Network Hubs at any time, including your use of computer networks and the internet. This may include the use of CCTV in and/or around Military Coworking Network Hubs.
The Military Coworking Network does not guarantee availability of desks at any point in time.
22 Misuse of Military Coworking Network Hubs
The RAF Association may cancel your Military Coworking Network membership at any time without notice if you breach these Terms and Conditions of Membership.
23 Relevance
Your Military Coworking Network Hub membership is personal to you and cannot be shared or transferred.
24 Prohibitions
No persons under the age of 18 are permitted to use the Military Coworking Network Hubs.
No animals are permitted in any of the Military Coworking Network Hubs.
The use of applications that use the internet network available in Military Coworking Network Hubs to automate requests to any websites is not permitted.
The hosting of services or applications designed to be accessed from outside of Military Coworking Network Hubs is not permitted without prior agreement.
Internet access will not be provided to any guests of Military Coworking Network Hub Members.
General Terms & Conditions
25 Excluded Loss
We will not be liable to you or any third party for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, or for any loss of data, profit, revenue or business, howsoever caused (whether arising out of any negligence or breach of this Agreement or otherwise). The RAF Association will also not be liable for any failure to perform of its obligations under this Agreement caused by matters beyond its reasonable control.
26 Non-excluded Liabilities
Nothing in this Agreement limits the RAF Association’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence, or any other liability which may not by law be excluded. Any statutory rights you may have as a consumer remain unaffected.
27 Indemnity
You agree to indemnify us against all liabilities, claims and expenses that may arise from any breach of this Agreement by you or through a machine on which you access the Military Coworking Network Website.
28 Assignment
We reserve the right to assign this Agreement, and to assign or subcontract any or all of our rights and obligations under this Agreement. You may not without the written consent of the RAF Association assign or dispose of this Agreement.
29 Entire Agreement
This Agreement includes our Privacy Policy. Together they contain the whole of the agreement between us and you concerning the Military Coworking Network, the Military Coworking Network Website and Military Coworking Hubs, and they replace all earlier agreements and understandings with you, except for any fraud or fraudulent representation by either of us. A person who is not a party to this Agreement has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely upon or enforce any term of this Agreement.
30 Changes to this Agreement
The RAF Association reserves the right to change this Agreement from time to time and post the new version on the Military Coworking Network Website. The new version of these terms and conditions will take effect, and will govern all Military Coworking Network Websites and Military Coworking Hubs and your relationship with the Military Coworking Network and RAF Association:
• commencing four weeks after the date of posting (or such later date as the RAF Association indicates in the relevant posting), if any of the changes is to an operative provision of this Agreement which is capable of adversely affecting you; if you do not wish to be governed by the new version of the Agreement, you may notify us on or before the date when the new version of the Agreement is to take effect, and from that date you must cease to use the Military Coworking Network, Military Coworking Network Website and Military Coworking Network Hubs; or immediately upon the date of posting (or such later date as the RAF Association indicates in the relevant posting), if the changes are not to operative provisions, or not capable of adversely affecting you – examples of which would include, without limitation, changes to one or more RAF Association addresses or email addresses referred to in this Agreement.
31 Severability
In the event that any term of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable by judicial decree or decision, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.
32 Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
In the event of a misunderstanding or dispute with regards to the meaning of these terms and conditions, you are bound by The RAF Association’s interpretation.
The RAF Association’s maximum liability to you is limited to membership fees already paid unless otherwise determined by English law.
33 Contact
You can contact us by post at the following address: Military Coworking Network c/o RAF Association Headquarters, Atlas House, 41 Wembley Road, Leicester, LE3 1UT or via email at either enquiries@rafa.org.uk or info@militarycoworking.uk.
Military Coworking Network Hubs COVID-19 Protocols
Please minimise the number of items brought into the hub,
Make sure all items are disinfected before entering the hub,
Hands to be washed before coming to the hub,
Please sanitise your hands on entering the hub,
Please use any one way systems that have been implemented, and do not move desks or chairs around,
Adhere to government social distancing guidelines,
Please wash any crockery and cutlery after every use with hot soapy water,
Please use your own stationery,
After every use, please wipe down the desk and all the chair using the cleaning equipment provided,
Please do not enter the hub if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or have tested positive for coronavirus,
Please do not enter the hub if you have been told to self-isolate (stay at home) by a government test and trace service, because you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, or if someone in your household has symptoms or has tested positive or if you are in quarantine following a trip abroad,​
If you are already in the hub and you are informed of close contact with an infected person you should tell a team member immediately and go home.
If you develop symptoms having used the hub in the last ten days, please contact the hub team and let them know immediately.
Other guidelines may be implemented by each individual base, which must also be adhered to.